Amazing Facts

Amazing Astronomy Facts
  • Neutron stars are so dense, that a soup can full of neutron star material would have more mass than the Moon.
  •  The sun produces so much energy, that every second the core releases the equivalent of 100 billion nuclear bombs
  • Black holes are so dense, and produce such intense gravity that even light can not escape. Theoretical physicists predict that there are situations under which light can escape (which is called Hawking radiation).
  • The Crab Nebula was produced by a supernova explosion in 1054 A.D. The Chinese and Arab astronomers at the time noted that the explosion was so bright, that it was visible during the day, and lit up the night sky for months.
  •  Shooting stars are usually just tiny dust particles falling through our atmosphere. Comets sometimes pass through Earth’s orbit, leaving trails of dust behind. Then as Earth plows through the dust in its path, the particles heat up, creating the streaks in the night sky.
  •  Even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, temperatures can reach -280 degrees F. Why? Since Mercury has almost no atmosphere, there is nothing to trap heat near the surface. So, the dark side of Mercury (the side facing away from the Sun) is very cold.
  •  Venus is considerably hotter than Mercury, even though it is further away from the Sun. The thickness of Venus’ atmosphere traps heat near the surface of the planet.

Posted by Unknown | at 23:40


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