Sky watching


 Monday, October 15 :
  • This is the time of year when the W shape of Cassiopeia is tipping nearly vertically in the northeast after dusk. It stands exactly vertically around 9 or 10 p.m., depending on your location. The W's brightest side is on top. 
  •  New Moon (exact at 8:03 a.m. EDT). 
  •  Jupiter is now well placed most of the night in Taurus. It rises around 9 p.m.
  •  Uranus is visible most of the night in Pisces.
  •  Neptune remains in the depths of Aquarius all month, and is visible most of the night, setting at 3 a.m.
( use binoculars or small telescope to see Uranus and Neptune) 

(sky chart over N.America)

 ( sky chart over S. America)

 ( sky chart over Europe)

(sky chart over Asia)

(sky chat over Australia)

Posted by Unknown | at 23:43


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