Do You Know 2

Do You Know? -2

             1.  What is the hottest planet in our solar system? 
                     Ans :  Venus  

             2 .  The word comet derives from?
                    Ans :  Latin word cometes
             3 .  Which is the largest known star ?
                     Ans :  VY Canis Majoris
( VY canis Majoris)

             4 .  The largest asteroid discovered in the asteriod belt is?
                     Ans :  Ceres
(ceres moving) {brightest}

             5 .  Comets are belived to originate from?
                     Ans :  Oort cloud

            6 .  Galilean moons
                   Ans :  Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto

           7 .  What is the Galilean moon with active volcanoes?
                  Ans : Io
(Io) [behind jupiter]

           8 .  What is the largest Galilean moon?
                   Ans :  Ganymede
          9 .  Who was the first woman in space?
                  Ans :  Valentina Tereshkova



        10 .  What was the first artificial satellite of the moon? 
                  Ans :  Luna 10

Posted by Unknown | at 17:56


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