Sky watching oct 27

Sky Watching

Sat., October 27 :

Mercury at greatest eastern elongation at sunset

                              Mercury is at greatest eastern elongation from the sun , appearing low on the southwestern horizon about an hour after sunset. This apparition favors observers in the southern hemisphere.

Venus is now a morning “star,” shining brightly before sunrise

Mars is fading into the west towards the sun. It moves from Libra through Scorpius into Ophiuchus during the month. Mars is low in the southwest at sunset and sets around 8:00 p.m..

 Jupiter is now well placed most of the night in Taurus. It rises around 9 p.m.

Saturn is too close to the sun to be observed, being in conjunction with the sun on October 25
Uranus is visible most of the night in Pisces.

Neptune remains in the depths of Aquarius all month, and is visible most of the night, setting at 3 a.m.

( use small telescope  to see uranus and neptune)

(sky map over europe around 10.30 pm)

(sky map over africa around 10.30 pm)

 (sky map over N. America around 10.30 pm)

(sky map over S. America around 10.30 pm)

(sky map over Asia around 10.30 pm)

(sky map over Australia around 8.30 pm to see mars)

Posted by Unknown | at 19:23


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