Sky watching...oct 21-22

Sky Watching

       Sun.,Mon, October 21,22 midnight–dawn:
  •   Orionid meteor shower  
                                            The Orionids are remnants of Halley’s Comet scattered along its orbit, one of the finest meteor showers in the year. The meteors appear to radiate from a point just between Orion’s club and the Gemini twins’ feet, but may be seen anywhere in the sky.( 20 meteor per hour)

  •  Mars is fading into the west towards the sun. It moves from Libra through Scorpius into Ophiuchus during the month. Mars is low in the southwest at sunset and sets around 8:00 p.m.
  •  Jupiter is now well placed most of the night in Taurus. It rises around 9 p.m.
 Sky Map ( around 12.30am  to see meteor shower)

(Sky Map over S . America)

(Sky Map over N. America)

(Sky Map over Europe)

(Sky Map over Africa)

(Sky Map over Australia)

(Sky Map over Asia)

Enjoy The Sky Watching................


Posted by Unknown | at 21:40


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