Sky Watching nov, 11-14

Sky Watching

2012 ,November 11-14

                   Jupiter is now in Taurus, close to Aldebaran and the Hyades. It rises about an hour after  sunset, and is visible the rest of the night. 

                    Uranus is visible most of the night in Pisces. It sets around 3 a.m.

                     Neptune remains in the depths of Aquarius all month, and sets around midnight.

                    Mercury is too close to the sun all month to be observed.

                    Venus, Spica and the moon
                                        About an hour before sunrise, The Moon joins the planet Venus and the bright star Spica in the morning sky., in November 11

                    Mars has faded into the west moving behind the sun. It moves from Ophiuchus into Sagittarius on November 12.

 November 14, morning - Total eclipse of the sun
                    The path of this eclipse crosses northern Queensland, Australia before heading out across the Pacific Ocean. It will be visible as a partial eclipse over all of Australia and New Zealand, as well as most of the southern Pacific Ocean and southwestern South America.

 Sky map around 10pm

(sky map over Europe)

(Sky map over N.America)

(Sky map over S.America)

(Sky map over Africa)

(Sky map over Asia)

(Sky map over Australia)

Posted by Unknown | at 19:35


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