Sky Watching Nov-17

Sky Watching

     Sat., November 17

  •   Leonid meteor shower peaks at 3 a.m                                                                                                                           The Leonid meteor shower has at times produced incredible storms of meteors. This year is not predicted to be anything out of the ordinary, but there’s always a chance of seeing a good number of meteors, especially this year since there will be no Moon in the sky after midnight when meteors are most frequent. Almost 20 meteor per hour
  • Mercury is too close to the sun      
  • Venus is still a morning “star,” shining brightly before sunrise
  • Mars has faded into the west moving behind the sun.
  • Jupiter is now in Taurus, close to Aldebaran and the Hyades. 
  • Uranus is visible most of the night in Pisces. It sets around 3 a.m.
  • Neptune remains in the depths of Aquarius all month, and sets around midnight.

( Don't miss the Meteor shower)
(Sky map around 2.30am - 3.30 am)
( sky map over N. America)
( Sky map over S.America)
(sky map over Europe)

 (sky map over Africa)

(sky map over Asia)

(sky map over Australia)


Posted by Unknown | at 20:42


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